Avoid the addictive foods trap

Just in time for the holidays, there are two papers out showing that highly processed foods are as addictive as tobacco. Allow a wee, “I told you so,” from us in the Ayurvedic community. 

But, the holidays are here, and, let’s be honest, most of us aren’t going to celebrate with kichari and bitter gourds. So here are a few hacks to enjoy the holidays without having to spend the whole time from January to March getting over them.

Chocolate: From chocolate Hanukkah gelt to chocolate Santa, this treat has always been synonymous with the holidays. But chocolate can be a superfood or an addictive killer, depending on your buying choices. Low cacao, high sugar white chocolate ranks as most addictive, followed by commercial brands of chocolate. Choose 70% or above and stick to high quality brands like Theo and Endangered Species. I promise you, they are yummy!

 Cookies and cake: In our household, sweet baked goods are ruled out, the only exception being vegan chocolate cake on my birthday. But if your family traditions require stollen, rugelach, fruitcake or Christmas cookies, the really important part is to make it yourself. That way, you know exactly what’s in it. Use the most wholesome ingredients possible and the lowest amount of sugar—and don’t make it white sugar. Make enough for your celebrations and some to give away to neighbours, but not enough to have it lying around the house tempting you.

Ice cream: I mean, you really want to eat ice cream in winter??? If it’s de rigeur in your family, ideally, make your own, using top quality ingredients. Second best, choose a healthy brand like Enlightened,  which features lower sugar and no artificial ingredients. And because dairy ice cream is one of the top addictive foods, you might prefer a non-dairy brand like So Delicious. Of course, ice cream can be a food addiction hazard year round, not just in the holidays. Limit your consumption by not keeping it in the freezer, so you’ll have to make a more conscious effort to get some.

Chips: Commercial chips (UK friends, chips= crisps) and other bagged snacks like pretzels are highly addictive high carb foods. In fact many brands of pretzel contain added sugar.  Instead of tortilla chips and pretzels for your holiday appetizers, put out roasted salted nuts for a touch of luxury, They offer the same salty, crunchy, oily experience, but are not an addictive food, believe it or not.  They may be more-ish, but they aren’t addictive, and help lower cholesterol and blood sugar.

Bread: Yes, bread is an addictive food, both because many have an addictive allergy to gluten, and because white bread is so high in carbs.  “The whiter your bread, the sooner you’re dead.”  So, eat whole grain breads, make your own or seek out a high-quality local bakery and avoid additive-laden commercial brands.

Wishing you happy, delicious and healthy holidays!

  Alakananda Ma M.B., B.S. (Lond.) is an Ayurvedic Doctor (NAMA) and graduate of a top London medical school. She is co-founder of Alandi Ayurveda Clinic and Alandi Ayurveda Gurukula in Boulder Colorado, as well as a spiritual mother, teacher, flower essence maker and storyteller. Alakananda is a well known and highly respected practitioner in the Ayurveda community both nationally and internationally.

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