Dock and Dandelion Pesto

Here’s a delicious pesto you can make from garden  weeds.


  •   2 cups tender dock and dandelion leaves

  •   ½ cup pine nuts

  •    ¼ cup grated parmesan or sheep pecorino (or ‘vegan parmesan’)

  •    ½ cup extra virgin olive oil

  •    Salt and black pepper to taste


  • Wash the wild greens carefully, inspecting for slugs. Then put the greens outside, spread on a clean cloth, to air dry.

  •   Chop the greens.

  • Combine the greens, pine nuts and olive oil and process in your food processor.

  • Add the cheese and process to a smooth paste.

  • Add salt and pepper to taste and process of stir in.

  • Store in a clean screw top jar in the refrigerator.

Good on pasta, or in lasagna, or on bread or matzoh.