Know Thyself: Your Ayurvedic Constitution

Knowing your prakriti or Ayurvedic constitution offers many benefits. Although you will often read or hear of the one diet or the one exercise program that is ideal for everyone, Ayurveda offers the consideration that people are different and have different needs. The diet that worked for your best friend could be harmful for you. By knowing your constitution, you are in a position to tailor your diet, exercise, daily supplemental Ayurvedic herbs, massage oils and other aspects of life to your individual needs.

Your constitution can give you important clues about your relationship to the seasons. For instance, if you are vata, autumn is likely to be your most challenging season. So it could be important to do warm oil massages and take Ashwagandha at that season. If you are pitta, summer brings the most challenges, while if you are kapha, you will need to take extra care in winter and spring.

Your constitution also tells you about your sensitive time of day. From two to six in the morning and afternoon are sensitive for vata, who can get very stressed and anxious at these times. The times around midnight and noon are dangerous for pitta events such as anger outbursts or midnight snacking. And sleeping after sunrise or eating heavily in the evening can make kapha sluggish and slow.

Knowledge of your constitution can assist in your relocation plans, your career choices and your clothing and décor selections. For example, Vata is dry and if relocating should choose a moist climate. Kapha will become lazy in a repetitive job and pitta should avoid choosing bright red clothing or décor with hot colours.

These are just few of the many benefits of knowing our constitution. Ayurveda, like the Oracle at Delphi, offers us a great invitation: "Know thyself!"

Quick online quizzes give only a vague idea of prakriti. Without expert guidance, it is easy to confuse longstanding imbalances with inherent constitution, or to go with the constitution you wished you had rather than the genuine one. An ayurvedic doctor can help you determine your prakriti and create lifestyle habits that support your wellbeing, based upon knowledge of constitution.

Alakananda Ma M.B., B.S. (Lond.) is an Ayurvedic Doctor (NAMA) and graduate of a top London medical school. She is co-founder of Alandi Ayurveda Clinic and Alandi Ayurveda Gurukula in Boulder Colorado, as well as a spiritual mother, teacher, flower essence maker and storyteller. Alakananda is a well known and highly respected practitioner in the Ayurveda community both nationally and internationally.

Enliven your holistic health! Visit Alakananda Ma in Alandi Ashram’s ayurvedic clinic to support the overall rejuvenation of your body, mind, and spirit. In-person and virtual appointments available. Book now!